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2024-07-15 00:12| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



GDI Capturing an Image Desktop Duplication API



To store an image temporarily, your application must call CreateCompatibleDC to create a DC that is compatible with the current window DC. After you create a compatible DC, you create a bitmap with the appropriate dimensions by calling the CreateCompatibleBitmap function and then select it into this device context by calling the SelectObject function.

After the compatible device context is created and the appropriate bitmap has been selected into it, you can capture the image. The BitBlt function captures images. This function performs a bit block transfer that is, it copies data from a source bitmap into a destination bitmap. However, the two arguments to this function are not bitmap handles. Instead, BitBlt receives handles that identify two device contexts and copies the bitmap data from a bitmap selected into the source DC into a bitmap selected into the target DC. In this case, the target DC is the compatible DC, so when BitBlt completes the transfer, the image has been stored in memory. To redisplay the image, call BitBlt a second time, specifying the compatible DC as the source DC and a window (or printer) DC as the target DC.


获取桌面DC HDC hdc_screen = GetWindowDC(NULL); 创建兼容DC HDC hdc_mem = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc_screen); 根据桌面DC创建兼容位图句柄HBITMAP int _width = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN); int _height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN); HBITMAP hbm_mem = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc_screen, _width, _height);


将位图选入创建好的兼容句柄中 SelectObject(hdc_mem, hbm_mem);


拷贝图像到兼容句柄中 //must have CAPTUREBLT falg,otherwise some layered window can not be captured BitBlt(hdc_mem, 0, 0, _width, _height, hdc_screen, _rect.left, _rect.top, SRCCOPY | CAPTUREBLT)

这里又有大坑了,请Google搜索CAPTUREBLT标志,因为它将导致你的鼠标不停地闪烁。据说这是微软的机制,会在每次调用此函数的时候对鼠标进行Show和Hide操作,说是要得到纯净的图像????WTF!! 在Windows中,当窗体含有WS_EX_LAYERED标志时,如果没有CAPTUREBLT标志将无法捕获到。

CAPTUREBLT Includes any windows that are layered on top of your window in the resulting image. By default, the image only contains your window. Note that this generally cannot be used for printing device contexts.


绘制鼠标 void record_desktop_win_gdi::draw_cursor(HDC hdc) { if (!(_ci.flags & CURSOR_SHOWING)) return; //is cursor in the tartet zone if (_ci.ptScreenPos.x _rect.right || _ci.ptScreenPos.y _rect.bottom ) return; HICON icon; ICONINFO ii; icon = CopyIcon(_ci.hCursor); if (!icon) return; int dstx = 0, dsty = 0; dstx = abs(_ci.ptScreenPos.x - _rect.left); dsty = abs(_ci.ptScreenPos.y - _rect.top); if (GetIconInfo(icon, &ii)) { POINT pos; DrawIconEx(hdc, dstx, dsty, icon, 0, 0, 0, NULL, DI_NORMAL); DeleteObject(ii.hbmColor); DeleteObject(ii.hbmMask); } DestroyIcon(icon); } CURSORINFO _ci; if (GetCursorInfo(&_ci)) { draw_cursor(hdc_mem); } 初始化位图信息 BITMAPINFOHEADER bi; bi.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bi.biWidth = _width; bi.biHeight = _height * (-1); bi.biPlanes = 1; bi.biBitCount = 32;//should get from system bi.biCompression = BI_RGB; bi.biSizeImage = 0; bi.biXPelsPerMeter = 0; bi.biYPelsPerMeter = 0; bi.biClrUsed = 0; bi.biClrImportant = 0;


获取位图RGB数据 //scan colors by line order GetDIBits(hdc_mem, hbm_mem, 0, _height, _buffer, (BITMAPINFO*)&bi, DIB_RGB_COLORS); 释放句柄 if(hbm_mem) DeleteObject(hbm_mem); if(hdc_mem) DeleteObject(hdc_mem); if(hdc_screen) ReleaseDC(NULL, hdc_screen);


保存BMP文件预览 //save bmp to test BITMAPFILEHEADER bf; bf.bfType = 0x4d42; bf.bfReserved1 = 0; bf.bfReserved2 = 0; bf.bfOffBits = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); bf.bfSize = bf.bfOffBits + _width * _height * 4; FILE *fp = fopen("..\\..\\save.bmp", "wb+"); fwrite(&bf, 1, sizeof(bf), fp); fwrite(&bi, 1, sizeof(bi), fp); fwrite(_buffer, 1, _buffer_size, fp); fflush(fp); fclose(fp);

至于buffer大小,在这里我们的RGB数据存储格式为BGRA,什么意思呢就是整个屏幕安装宽高进行线性扫描(感谢第一份工作老板的解释),从屏幕左上角开始,每一个像素点均有Red、Green、Blue、Alpha表示,也就是说每一个像素点占用4byte。从左至右从高到低进行存储,所以BGRA数据大小为width*height*4。 这也是GetDIBits函数中第三个(start)第四个参数(cline)的填法解释。








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